Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Unfinished Clue by Georgette Heyer

I have no earthly idea how I missed discovering Georgette Heyer before now. I love old-fashioned detective novels set in the 30s and 40s, and Heyer wrote dozens. Yet somehow I've never read a word she wrote.

I picked up The Unfinished Clue since it looked like a fun place to start with her writing, and I was right. A mismatched group of guests spend the weekend at a country-house, where the odious Sir Arthur Billington-Smith ends up stabbed to death. Everyone has a motive, everyone has an opportunity to have done it. The local police call in Scotland Yard.

It's an entertaining, frequently funny book. I loved the main characters, Dinah Fawcett and Inspector Harding. All the characters are strongly drawn, though, and the plot is excellent. I was 100% convinced I knew who the murderer was and why, but I was 100% wrong. I love it when I'm wrong.

B&N link

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